We don't have boys but we have twin girls and let me tell you, while YOU are ready, they may not be, lol! At least that's what we found. One thing we found worked for us was to get two timers, we put their initial on it, and we set it for (yes, this part is exhausting but it really worked for us) 20 minutes. When they went off, which we staggered 5 minutes apart, each girl would run to their bathroom and we'd say potty time, or whatever you want to call it, and they'd sit there. After a couple of minutes, if they didn't go, then back out they went, in came the other one, and then we'd reset the timers. We would run water sometimes to help :) Also, if they did NOT go, we'd set the timer for 10 minutes to give them another shot, and if they did go, we'd do 20 again. One of our twins, baby A, had a horrible time - she needed pacifiers and for us to rub her back b/c it was tramatic for her. But for her personality, it wasn't shocking - she does things carefully, well planned and in her own time - she's STILL the same way and they're 4. Our baby B was like cool, lets do it, which is her personality to a 't'. Baby A was about 3 months behind but it worked.
OK, we tried at 2 1/2 and it was too early for ours, so we held off for a month and bam, Baby B took to it right away. We NEVER used pull-ups though b/c they were too much like diapers - we bought the plastic outers and the thick gerber training pants and off we went. Diapers were for bed time of course :) Hope this helps! Do you belong to a Mothers of Multiples group? If not, I'd be more than happy to e-mail mine about boys if you'd like.