How to Potty Train a Boy Making # 2 - Milford,CT

Updated on October 24, 2006
S.C. asks from Wake Forest, NC
9 answers

My 3 years old boy refuses to go to the bathroom to make #2. He goes to the bathroom with no problem to make peepiii but when is time to make #2 he refuses, and you know how hard is that to change the clothes and everything related with that !!! please give me some advice !!!

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answers from Buffalo on

As awful as it sounds, I made my daughter clean herself up. (With assistance) When she went in her pants I told her I wasn't about to clean it up, and handed her the wash cloth. After a few times of that, she realized that it's much easier it she goes in the potty.

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answers from Bangor on

hi i went threw it 3 times all i did was after he eats put him on there in front of the tv let him watch cartoons and he should do i t



answers from Providence on

Hi S., I am currently going throught the same situation as you, only we have finally started to see improvement. My 3 year old knows when he has to poop, yet instead of using the potty, he would hide in a corner somewhere to do it. We have a sticker chart. He gets one kind of sticker for pee on the potty and a star for poop on the potty. When he has a set number of stickers he gets a prize (matchbox car or small toy). This has worked wonderfully and it has also helped him with counting because we always count the stickers after a new one has been added. We have also been putting him in his special big boy undies which makes him feel really good about himself. He really makes an effort to use the potty. Today he went poop on the potty twice. Having accidents are starting to upset him. Just make sure you make a Big deal about what a good boy he is when he does do it. Good Luck!!!



answers from Hartford on

Also do you go in with him? if so maybe try stepping out (maybe he's shy) If not maybe go in with him (maybe he'd prefer company). Also another thing I have found to be great is sticker charts, you can find some online to print off and if thats not exciting enough, select an amount of stickers to be agreed upon (7 stickers, 7 bm's in the potty) and then after that number, select a reward, such as a toy, or outing to chuckie chesse. I go to the dollar store and I have a toy basket filled with dollar store bulk toys that I use as a reward basket for certain behaviors.



answers from Boston on

I have 4 children. My second boy who is now 16 I had a similar problem. I was very frustrated. I ended up talking to his doctor. I was surprised to find out he had some disorder that affects 1 in 100 children. I was told he would outgrow it by the age of 12 and he did. Basically what happened was he didn't have the urge to go. The fecal matter would harden somewhat in the tract but the top part would still be very soft and well you get the idea. Hope this helps. By the way my son is perfectly fine now as a matter of fact he is 6 foot six and stil growing.



answers from New London on

I had this SAME problem with my daughter, Sylvia. it is difficult. What helped me was browbeating into her head how proud it would make her daddy and mommy, and how much of a big girl it made her. Also, when that didn't work, I would actually make her stay on the toilet until she produced the goods. After a few days of this, she actually started to go by herself, and would happily tell me whenever she did it, with a proud smile on her face. It was a toughbattle, but if you are persistent and tough (no matter how much you don't want to be) it can be beat. Good luck!!



answers from Portland on

My son turned 4 this past summer, and we were still having issues with that also. It was clear that he was ABLE to use the toilet--he just couldn't be bothered to stop what he was doing, and also he got frustrated that it didn't come out immediately like pee does. ONe thing that helped him turn the corner, is I went to Toys R Us and bought a cool Star Wars toy (he and his dad like to watch the original movies together sometimes), and gave it to him after we caught him in the act of pooping in his pants, and he did it on the potty instead. After much praise, I gave him the toy and made it clear that this is a toy for big kids who poop on the potty. A couple of days later, he did it in his pants again, and I reminded him that his special toy was only for big kids, and put it up on top of the fridge where he could see it , to remember, but not get it down. Wow-did he have a tantrum! But he got the point. That's not to say that he has been 100% on the potty since then, but it has really been effective as motivation. Good luck.



answers from New York on

Oh, sounds like we are in the same boat. I have a 2 year old boy who will be 3 in February and we've been working on the potty thing for 5 months now. He pretty much has #1 down except when he is involved with TV or play. He seems to think that if he stops playing or watching TV to go to the potty he would miss something. But we have managed to keep it consistent for him. We have managed to take him to the potty every 1/2 hour to an hour and he does do #1 just about everytime...however, #2 is an issue for us as well. He has done it once since we've been working on it but refuses to go again. When he did #2 that one time, we practically threw him a party minus the confetti LOL so I did do the reward thing. Obviously, it doesn't work for him cause he refuses to do it again. My son tends to hide when he does #2 so I know when he goes BUT when I attempt to take him to his potty before he goes in his pull-up, he gets all bent out of shape. Because I don't want him to get constipated due to the trauma, as he sees it, of taking him to the potty, I basically let him be. When he is finished though, he will let me know he has to be changed and that's when I take the opportunity to tell him that he should be going poopy in his potty like a "big boy". I have read the responses you got to your inquiry and I have tried them all expect the sticker advice which I will attempt as soon as I can find out where to purchase it. Have any ideas?
So, from one fustrated mother to another, when you find a remedy that works for your son, please let me know and I'll do the same for you.



answers from Hartford on

Same problem with my daughter. Once we were sure about her doing #1 with no major accidents. The pullups were gone and the big girl panties came out. We told her if she did #2 in the potty, we could go to chuck'e'cheese that night. After a few days and a few accidents, she figured it out. She didn't having poops in her panties and she loved Chuck'e'Cheese.

If he is on a regular poop schedule, have him hang out in the bathroom reading a book or something. If he can get it done once, even if it is accidentally, he will understand the feelings better and might have an easier time. I think I brought the potty out and put it in front of the tv in a moment of deperation too.

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