For most 10mos old babies breastmilk is more important than solids. That typically switches at 12mos. Until then, solids are for experimenting with taste and texture. That said, I don't know if her being anemic changes anything. I would still recommend nursing your 10mos old whenever she wants it.
If your wanting 'schedules', I don't have one, but this is what a typical day looks like for us -- and it looks like I nurse my 13mos old more often :-) I'm really ready for him to not nurse as much as he currently does, but he's not ready to move on yet. He nurses probably 5 times at night, then around 7a, 9:30a (after breakfast), 11a, 1:30p (after lunch), 4p (after nap), 5:30p, 7p, 9p (down for the night....add to that all the little 'owies' that need soothing and little snacks throughout the day :-)
Also, I can't suggest going to a LLL meeting enough! It is an awesome resource! If you've been to one and didn't care for the leader's or groups methods/personality/etc - then I would suggest trying a different group. I've been to 3 different LLL meetings in OR and 3 different groups here in Austin, and no 2 meetings have been the same yet. I found a group that suits my personality, etc and have been going since I moved here last March. I don't go b/c I have questions; I go b/c it's good for me to be able to meet and talk with other bf-ing moms.
HTH and Happy Nursing!
K., mama to
Catherine, 4yrs (nursed for 2.5yrs)
Samuel, 13mos (and still wants lots of 'mama love')