I have a friend that is a SAHM. She has 4 kids and was never going to leave the home to work.
Her husband was working at the job he got right out of college. He's in engineering.
They lived in this town for years but always wanted to go back to the Yellowstone, Wyoming, Montana area STAYING with the same company, it's a world wide company.. They would pray and pray and pray about new jobs, moving, etc...God always seemed to tell them it wasn't time.
One time when they were praying they received a different answer. God said The next job offer in XXXXXX is the job I have planned for you. So the husband thought about his interview skills, resume, and all that would go into making sure he was a presentable candidate for the jobs coming up in the area they wanted.
So he worked on all those things and sent out his resume to the right offices. He also thought Why not send my stuff to another company to see how they react? So he did. He got a call from them and they flew him up to interview him. He and my friend discussed it and he told her he'd stay an extra day and look at housing costs, school districts, churches and at the new temple being built so they'd have a better idea of where they wanted to look once he got the new job with his current company. He thought it went well but didn't want them to offer him a job, he didn't plan on leaving his current company so when they asked him what it would take for him to leave his current position he said he would like more salary. He named what he was being paid at that time then named a ridiculous amount that was about a thousand more a month. Surely they'd never consider him now.
He was confident when his current company set up some interviews with him he'd blow them away. He went, found a lovely suburb town that allowed livestock on the property, had a couple of acres per house, rivers, lakes, and more. He felt so positive this was where his children were going to grow up.
He went home the day after. He got a call about an hour after he got home from the airport. This other company offered him the job, full benefits AND the full amount he'd named. He was flabbergasted! He told them he needed to discuss it with his wife and he'd get back to them by the end of the day.
They looked at each other. Torn between a job he knew, knew he could make the same move and remain with a company he liked and this other company that was almost too good to be true. They prayed again. Should they do this or that. God said I told you the next job offer would be the one I had planned for you.
Well, this was the next job offer.
Not the end of the story...
So they accepted the job offer in the new company. Moved away to Montana, love it, his new job is a dream job. He has the ability to explore ideas and make large changes and hasn't had hardly a bad day since.
In his old job they sold out and merged with another company a couple of years later. His whole department was shipped to a coastal area and at this point it's hardly even a job anymore. It's likely he would have got the next job he applied for in the original company but with the downsizing and moving them all to one area, from everywhere in the USA, to this one town, they fired a bunch of them because they really didn't need that many employees.
He would have lost his job and they'd have moved away to this area they wanted but in a couple of years had to sell out and move to a coastal city. They would have likely lost that job too. She would have had to go to work full time while he was looking for work. We all know how things have gone and how many families have lost everything due to downsizing...
I think God had this plan for them and that it worked out the way it was supposed to.
If you pray, ask for guidance. If you don't believe then why not sit down in a quiet area, get comfortable, and ask yourself what you want. Make a mental list. Go through it. Listen for that inner voice to raise it's objections to each thing.
Sometimes just being quiet and listening to yourself tells us a lot more.