Our almost 9 month old granddaughter has similar issues with finger food. She LOVES baby food ... ANY kind ... but she does make faces when she encounters a new texture.
I recently bought some corn puff toddler treats at Big Lots that melt in her mouth and she loves. She just doesn't have the muscle coordination to her tongue and jaw yet to be able to chew and swallow. She also hasn't got any erupted teeth.
She did like the Stage 3 meals like spaghetti that had teeny bits of noodles in it. Nothing big enough to choke her, but it gives her mouth the feel of texture.
She's been snuck a French fry here and there and she'll suck it and spit it out unless you tear off a tiny piece and feed it to her. She ate about a 1/2 inch piece of corn dog last week when "someone" tore off teeny bits at a time and put it in her mouth.
With my 29 year old, I went a bit crazy on the finger food stuff. She loved it and I loved putting a pile of food in front of her so she could feed herself. Unfortunately, she still loves to pick her food apart with her fingers to this day ... I guess that's not such a big consequence, but it sure was annoying at the dinner table when she was a teen!