Kids at this age are, rightfully, exerting their independence. They are trying the world on for size, learning to navigate. As they should. She's getting older. It's natural for her to test her boundaries. It's frustrating, but it's normal. You don't want a completely dependent, deferential teen girl going on dates with guys who will take advantage of her, you don't want a useless 18 year old going to college, right? So how do you think kids develop these skills? They practice. They start at 4, continue at 7 and 10 and 13... You get the picture.
You cannot have the goal of "being inseparable"! You can't. You're the mom - you're not the party time parent, you are her role model. That means she's not always going to agree with you. And kids often have more conflict with the parent who is there all the time - that's you.
You have too much invested here, in a couple of things, the wrong things. You have to let go of some things, and stop going to every fight you're invited to. So listen, if she doesn't wear a jacket, one of 2 things will happen: 1) she will be fine, or 2) she will get chilly and decide to put the coat back on or at least not make that mistake again. What's the worse that could happen? (And don't say, "She'll get sick" - short of hypothermia or exposure, that's just an old folk tale.) So you compromise - the jacket gets shoved in her backpack or tossed in the car, and then you stop discussing it. If she complains that's she's cold, you don't belittle her by saying, "I TOLD you to..." - you say, "How unfortunate for you that you didn't bring a jacket." And that is it. Nothing further. Don't engage her in a fight no matter how hard she tries.
Yes, as you know, you were totally wrong to say anything bad about the pictures. Everyone has a bad photo now and then - Ellen Degeneres does a whole segment every week on bad photos, and that's when people send in photos far worse that what you're talking about. And she DOES look like herself, just not as you wish her to look. Let it go. This is not a hill to die on! It's a photo - just don't buy them if you don't like them, or see if there is a picture "re-take" day for all the other kids who have bad photos or those who were absent. Otherwise stop. You sent her to school on picture day in a flannel shirt, so you can't very well complain about it.
The other thing is to stop asking an 8 year old to evaluate whether you are "good enough" at your job. It's not her job to thank you - it's your job to show her that she gets more of what she wants by behaving well, and less of what she wants (whether it's privileges or your time) when she acts up beyond belief.
The rest of this is your anxiety, your need to compare yourself to your husband, and your probably very faulty evaluation of how she feels about your husband vs. you. He needs to show you, in front of her, how much he respects you, and you need to take a page from his book of supporting her more on the small things like photos and so on. You might consider some short term counseling to get to the root of your anxiety and concerns, and get on top of them.