First of all welcome. If you're also looking for a good church with a GREAT kid's program try Northpoint Community Church which is practically right beside you!
On to your Medical Provider questions...
1. Pediatrician. By FAR the best practice we've found is ROSWELL PEDIATRICS-DR. BURNHAM. He is about the best I've ever found! He is a GREAT professional, listens to your concerns and is a wonderful diagnostician. He always makes my granddaughter feel respected and well cared for (which makes everyone happy.) DR. Bowman is also great at this practice and they are at the Northside office on Old Milton. Their # is ###-###-####.
2.Adult DENTIST- His name is Dr. Sparkman. He is awesome! His office is in Dunwoody but is he ever worth the short drive. His contact information follows
THOMAS SPARKMAN, DDS 2472 Jett Ferry Road | Suite 430 | Dunwoody Georgia | 30338 |###-###-#### f: ###-###-####
3. Pediatric Dentist for later-###-###-####