my kids are 10 (girl and boy is 13) My son had to have a bike.. I bought it for 150. after one year he complained that everyone else had better.. so I told him fine.. but he had to pay for better $400. which I thought was crazy. He first put a sign on his bike for 100 or best offer and had it out everyday.. after about 4 days someone came by and offered him 80. He took it. next he went around and put notes in peoples mailbox in neighborhood that he would watch pets, take them for walks, clean up yards, weeds, and take in mail and or water plants when neighbors were away. He got a lot of people calling.. and within 2 months had $400. He only made small amts from his jobs.. but he learned how to make money. I gave him 12. each week for cutting the grass. and I bought him a good lock for the bike. he loves his bike and because he bought it, he takes care of it more than before. He now still does this type of stuff... but has to put 1/2 of what he makes away in the bank for college.. and it's growing money!! My daugher who is doing the same things.. but on a smaller scale - just the clean ups, and picking up mail and or watering flowers and weeding. She just made 25. for helping a neighbor out. My son also has a cell phone... we bought it for Christmas for him, he pays us 10. per month for texting and we pick up the other 10.. because I want to know where he is and what he is doing. My daughter will get a cell phone in 5th grade..and will have to pay texting cost too. this makes them learn that money doesn't grow on trees. good luck