I think you should talk to your mum. of course you dont want to outrigth put down her cleanliness skills but you do want to remind her about the diaper issue. as i am sure you know and she may honestly not know, your son could get a very bad diaper rash or a urinary tract infection, i dont know if you have brothers and taking care of a boy might be very different for her. if this continues i would remind her of what you packed and that he needs to be clean when you pick him up incase you want to go somewhere with him. you must have a somewhat good relationship with your mum if she is watching your son so give it a try, dont be degrading just talk to her and say..(for instance) would you mind changing his socks and oh would you mind changing his diaper when it's wet? good luck. i know this matter can be handled without hurt feelings, you no your mum better than i and you will say the right thing. Good luck