Mine was positive about 4 days before but it's not guaranteed that it will show up beforehand. That 2 week wait can be insane! Good luck.
I would like to know how soon can I take a pregnancy test? I am dying to know and can't wait until the 1st day of my missed period.
Mine was positive about 4 days before but it's not guaranteed that it will show up beforehand. That 2 week wait can be insane! Good luck.
you don't want to take the test too soon then be dissapointed if it shows neg even if you really are. Just wait alittle longer so you can avoid any misread results.
I'm currently 22 1/2 weeks pregnant with my second son and I used the Clear Blue Easy-5 days sooner for my 2 yr. old & with this baby and the results were both right! Good Luck .
2 weeks at the earliest, using a home pregnancy test.
:D I so know how you feel! :D
Well, how much money do you want to spend? I know a lady who just keeps using ept's! If you REALLY want to know, schedule an appt and get a urine dip or blood test--you can know within 2 or 3 days of conception, I think!
As always, keep trying! ;)
Good luck!
The early-result tests say you can test 5 days before you've missed your period. I've used them and have found out more than once at least three days before I've missed my period, if not 4 or 5. That being said, like the other posts mention, there are some downsides: first, you have to be prepared for the possiblilty of a negative result simply because it's too early, and second, finding out that early can make the pregnancy seem like it takes a lot longer if you're not a patient pregnant person (I'm definitely not!). Also, I think early-result tests are more expensive, and the technology isn't necessarily proven. The last time I took a test I had an early-result test from Target and a regular test from the Dollar Tree. I got the same positive result from both tests before I missed my period! The line/symbol might be fainter/harder to see on a non-early result test. Two different doctors told me that the pregnancy test technology is all the same, so as long as it's not past its expiration date, it's a reliable test, even if it's from the Dollar Tree or Big Lots. Maybe instead of spending the money on an early-result test, you might think about stocking up at the Dollar Tree. I think it really depends on how much and how soon your body starts producing hCG. My understanding from what I've read/heard is that some people (like me apparently) produce a lot right away, while some don't produce enough to show up on a test until they're farther along. Good luck either way!
I got a posotive pregnancy test when I was only 3 weeks pregnant. I knew I was only 3 weeks because after getting the posotive reading on the home test, I scheduled a blood test with my OB the next day and that test came back with very low HCG levels which the nurse said that meant I was only 2-3 weeks pregnant. I was blessed 9 mnths later with a beautiful baby boy.
Good luck!!
The soonest you can take the test is five days prior to the day you would have gotten your period. So if you were suppose to get your period on the 15th you can take the test on the 10th. On the box they say you don't have to take the test with the first morning urine, but the urine is more concentrated in the morning and so the chances that the result will be accurate when you take an early test are much higher. Good luck, I hope you see your double line.
A. H.
For future refrence if you are not pregnant right now, I found the best place to buy the same tests that all the doc's offices use and they are only around a $1 a piece. It also gets positive results in 6-8 days post ovulation. www.early-pregnancy-tests.com We have been TTC over 2 yrs so unfortunatley, I've ordered several times from them. Good luck.
I used an early response (the 5 day early tests) at 4 days before my period and I got a very faint line. I took one the next day and it was clearly positive (I'm now at 31 weeks). I also tried one of the digital tests and it did not show positive until I actually missed my period. I have heard a lot of people say that the early tests don't work so it probably just depends on your chemistry. You may have to just be patient which I know is really hard to do. Good luck!
Patience!!! You have two beautiful girls already, enjoy them, you'll be pregnant soon enough... I always waited until I missed my period, so I can't give you any advice there... I know some of those test say they give results early, but they still can give wrong results, your body is funny like that sometimes, I took 3 pregnancy test once before it came out that I was pregnant. I knew all along that I was, but the test kept saying I wasn't.
Be patient!