How Should Kiddos Share Rooms

Updated on August 04, 2012
L.N. asks from Abilene, KS
6 answers

We are moving from a five bedroom house into a smaller 3 bedroom house (this is probably about 2-3 months at the most) while we wait for the house we are buying. In the meantime my three kids who have never had to share a room will need to somehow share and I don't know who to put with who!
Oldest child is 6 she will be the only one getting up in the mornings to go to school (so she will be up early) she gets along pretty well with either of the other two kids
Middle is my son 3 1/2 - the older two can share a room fine but we only have a queen bed and I'm not sure if I want them to share a bed - does it matter at this age being opposite gender (bunk beds are not in the budget at this time)
Youngest just turned 2 her and my son fight all the time. bad there are bite marks. I have thought about putting her in with my oldest but she is at the stage where is is ruining everything. eating books tearing pages out.. and some of the items the older daughter has I don't want broken... any ideas on this would be helpful.

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answers from Chicago on

I have a 5.5 year old son and a 2.5 year old daughter. 8 years ago when we bought this house the intent was to sell it before we had children.......well, the real estate market did what it did and we are stuck in a 2 bedroom townhome. My children share a room. I gave them the larger room and I have their beds on opposite sides of the room and have their dressers in the middle.



answers from Oklahoma City on

Okay. If this was me and it was truly only going to be for a couple of months I would put the smallest child in with me and hubby and let the other 2 have their own rooms.

It is going to be an issue for the little one to be in either room. She is at risk for choke hazards with the older girl unless you are leaving each and every toy in storage while you are in transition and are only going to allow toddler toys in the room.


answers from New York on

I wouldnt worry about the children sharing a bed at this age. I got a toddler bed for free and kept son in it till five so that is another option. This is temporary and your oldest will understand that. If you end up staying in this house a while you can always switch again when the 2 yr old gets older. But for now you may want a quiet place for 2 yr old to nap, or a place for each little one to go to their own room when big sis is in school.



answers from Dallas on

I moved my older son out of the shared room with his younger brother when school started for him (kindergarten) for the reasons of 1. school, 2. needing his own 'big boy' space and 3. little one kept tearing up his things (just that weird age gap). We did that for one year and then the two moved back in together and love it (I think they just like having a dedicated play room!)

I would let the two littles share even though they don't really get along - could be good for them.
Also, I don't think it is strange for siblings of any age/sex to share a bed. As long as the kids are comfortable with it, I'd let them.



answers from Washington DC on

I would look on freecycle or at a thrift store or put out a call to friends about two toddler or twin beds or a bunkbed. Maybe someone has something in storage, or even two airbeds. It's just a few months, right? Explain to the oldest that she's sharing to protect her things, not that she was bad or anything.



answers from Philadelphia on

I think I would probably buy air mattress and leave the queen bed in storage. I probably would give the oldest her own room since she will be getting up first and I think I would keep the 2 year old in my room since she will not be in a crib and she is not trust worthy.

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