When I worked full time and my son was just 6 weeks this was my routine. I fed him right before I walked out the door in the morning, pumped mid morning (I worked at 7 so I usually pumped by 9:30, again on my lunch around noon and then again mid afternoon at around 2:15. I got out of work at 4, so by the time I got to daycare it was 4:20 or so and I would feed him then too. I would always tell my daycare provider that if it was real close to time for me to be getting home to try and hold him off if possible. As he got older and ate more, but less often, I was able to go down to two pumping sessions per workday. I was able to continue to breastfeed until he was 10 months old, so it is possible to do and not lose your supply. I almost always had enough without doing any additional pumping at home, but if you find your freezer supply is starting to dwindle, try to pump after your first morning feed when your supply is usually at its fullest. For peace of mind I had started pumping on weekends after every feeding in the very beginning to make sure I had enough in the freezer so I wouldn't stress out about it. If you are stressed out about quantity when you pump it will affect how much you are able to pump, so try not to stress over it.