Most moms I know don't clean unless the toys look dirty. The kids are fine.
There's actually research that shows excessive cleaning is potentially harmful. The immune system needs legitimate "enemies" to develop properly, and in a super-hygenic environment there are too few such microbes. So the ambitious immune system, needing work to do, sometimes begins attacking the child, instead, resulting in asthma and allergies.
Further, because it hasn't learned to recognize and mount normal defenses against everyday illnesses, the child is also much more susceptible to every sore throat and gut misery they will eventually contact in the "outside" world.
Finally, overuse of strong cleaning agents can actually cause chemical injury to the child (and other family members). There are astonishing lists of "new" chemical agents in modern household products that are actually toxic, and the full extent of just how dangerous they are isn't even understood yet. But repeated exposures can cause debilitating illnesses, (up to and including respiratory reactions, nervous system damage, cancers and reproductive disorders).
I personally reached my limit about 25 years ago, when I became over-sensitized to just about everything in modern life. Trust me, you do not want to take yourself or your child in that direction. My life is seriously limited since then, and when I do risk going out in public, there are almost always distressing consequences.