We would always make sure anything and everything that needed to go to school was next to the front door.
We always looked at the school lunch menu for the week, so I knew what days she would eat at school and what days she would need a lunch. We always looked at the school lunch menu for the week, so I knew what days she would eat at school and what days she would need a lunch. I just always tried to keep about $20 in that account at school. I gave her the same lunch each time. The only thing that I changed was the type of sandwich, the type of fruit, the type of raw veggies and the type of chip. It was up to her to let me know if she wanted something different. (She loved salads, wraps, and peanut butter that she would dip pretzels into.)
I gave my daughter "time" in the morning to wake up. I would set HER alarm for 20 minutes before she really needed to get up. Then I would ask her, do you want 10 minutes? She would usually say yes. I would always make her verbally give me an answer. After 10 minutes, I would ask her do you want 10 minutes or 5 minutes? I would make her answer me. By 20 minutes she was usually ready to get up.
I also realized she was not a morning person. She did not like to have conversations, or have to make big decisions first thing in the morning. So we made a deal. I would not ask her questions or have a conversation with her until she spoke with me first, if, she would get herself ready in a timely manner on her own. If she did not brush her teeth, brush her hair and get dressed, I would be all over her. (hovering and talking cheerily) It was her worst nightmare, hee, hee.
She was in charge of her own breakfast. If she wanted something that I would need to cook, like eggs or something. She had to ask me kindly. She always had instant oatmeal, cereal or toast she could make herself. I had a low shelf that I kept this stuff on at all times including the cereal bowls and spoons. If she ran too late , we always have fruit and cereal bars for the trip to school.
As she got older (about 8), she learned to use her alarm clock so she could snooze.I would still make sure I could hear her moving around at the designated time, just in case she over slept. This really seemed to work with us. I hope it helps a little with your sleepy one. We called our daughter the morning zombie. Good luck.