T., your little one is just a little over 2 months. Baby she's hungry, continue to feed her on demand. I know you think that you are feeding her too much, you're not. The problem is you're not feeding her enough. To put your mind at ease, if over feeding is a concern, your body adjust to the needs of your baby. When she is full, she will fall off the breast. Child the reason little mama is only sleeping 30 minutes or less at a time during the day, is because she's HUNGRY!!! FEED HER ON DEMAND, and watch the fussiness go away (unless she's colicky). Trust, you will have a much happier baby. Now as she gets older, her demands will began to taper off, then you will be able to put her on a 2 to 3 hour feeding schedule. But for now, let her guide you, that 2 to 3 hour schedule is only a guideline or a base line for you to go by in order to help you know how often she should be eating. Your best guideline is your instincts - trust them! Don't be afraid of what you think is best for your child. The bond is between you and her. Do know that doctors are not always right, nor are our parents, friends etc. It's ok to get advice, but go with whats in your heart. That's your compass. Also, do know that every child develops differently, do not compare your child's progress with another, she is developing fine. When you start back to feeding her on demand, you will notice a change in her sleep pattern. Stop saying I can't do anything or go anywhere with her, because of the fussiness. This is no longer about you and what you want, (stop thinking about what you used to do before the child)it is all about her. On the days you know that you have to get out and you're not comfortable nursing in public, then take some time, pump your breast, and pour the expressed milk in a bottle(s)and give her that, and then you will be able to continue on with your day.
Now you need to know, that if she is demanding to nurse more frequently, she's probably getting ready for a growth spurt; and is commanding your body to produce more milk for this season in her life. Let your daughter be your guide, let her take the lead for now, and as you learn her (because she's the teacher now)then start adding structure to her days. Don't rush her, be patient, remember this is new to her as well as you. You two are learning to communicate with one another, listen intently. What you do as the parent now, can make the bond closer or drive her further away. BE PATIENT, AND LISTEN TO YOUR HEART!!! ok, well good luck - hope this help.