Based on our son I would say you are doing okay and I wouldn't worry. Our 20 month old son sleeps 9-10 hours each night. He naps each day after lunch for between one hour and two hours (sometimes it is as little as 30 minutes, though). He has always been under the recommended amount. Also he has always been a terrible napper. Recently we put his toddler mattress on the floor and he sleeps there wonderfully. Go figure we say. He still sleeps in his crib at night without difficulties. We never worried about sleep. What could we do to force to him to sleep or nap? We set up the routine and went with the flow. Our nanny does let him watch a little bit of TV right around nap time. I understand it to be their collective down time so she turns on a novella (Mexican soap opera). She says he never struggles when he is ready to nap. She sits in the room with him while he falls asleep. Once he's asleep, she turns the TV down for the noise factor. At that point she's free for the rest of his nap. At night we don't watch TV either except for the ocassaional episode of opera which our son is fascinated by. I would think TV could be very stimulating, though, so I would avoid it if possible if you think it contributes to the problem. Good luck.