my son was born about a month early,I started leaking fluid I had ruptured and didn't even know so. It was just like this clear liquid that was a little thicker than water. someone could have mistaken it as just discharge or peeing in your underwear anyways I caught it on my own shortly after i discovered it I called the doctor and they told me to get my butt in there(my words not theirs lol)and when they checked me my water was leaking(so to speak)not busted and they did an admit and not that day but the next night I was trying to do the vaginal thing and things were not going like planned and i actually started having breathing problems because they think I was retaining fluid in the body and it rushed to my lungs(errrrr!!! it was a nightmare)so while in the operating room we both were under antibiotics they told me they did not know if he would even make a sound coming out because of the prematurity. but I never cried so hard when he came out of that belly he was squealing like a little piggy and they could not shut him up. sorry so long I know I was just supposed to tell you if early or not but I was so glad god took care of us and he just turned five the other day I love my baby boy! :>) and by the way he was perfectly healthy just held over for some jaundice and some observation.