Well, I really love gardening, and am a freak about the way the outside of the house looks, so cutting the grass loosely qualifies.
However my GUY is threatened by this and gets indignant if I do it while he's not here. This is one of those ego compromise situations where I just backed off and let him have his delusion that he is somehow manlier because HE cuts the grass, not me. Thing is he clearly HATES to cut the grass, and does a lame job, sigh.
Sometime I get lucky and he just can't do it, out of town, too much rain, sore back whatever.
When he gets home he will always say....so you had to cut the grass, huh? Sadly, remorsefully, as if it's a negative reflection on him that his woman had to cut the grass. Even though we've been over it a zillion times.
But I LOVE to cut the grass! It's very important to me!
Anyway, yeah, not really your question,tehehe.