According to the minimum standards for child care, I offer each child under a year of age....3/4 cup of cereal mixed with formula with a 4 ounce jar of fruit for breakfast. For lunch I offer a 2 ounce jar of meat, 4 ounce jar of vegetable and a 4 ounce jar of fruit, 1 or 2 whole wheat Ritz crackers. For supper I offer the same as for lunch. There are lots of variations...but basically that's what I've done for 23 years, following state guidelines. They don't have to finish it all....but need the variety. Whole grains are very important during their day, whether it be in the form of enriched crackers, bread, muffins, or bagels. But it doesn't take much for a one year old or below. Finger foods are great, but I suppliment with the jar foods until they are eating what is required for the 1year-3year range. I give water with the meals but offer an 8 ounce bottle of formula mid-morning, mid-afternoon and before the child goes home in the evening. I don't usually serve the suppers; so instead, they receive a small snack before their third bottle before time for them to leave my home...to get them home in a good mood. I can send you more information if you email my website http://www.missbrenda.com