I've worked at a daycare center and also do in home childcare, as well as observing things at my church's nursery so I see kids cry when they say bye to their moms ALL THE TIME. For my son, he would cry when I'd take him to his room, but I'd just squeeze him tight and say "I love you and will be back" and kiss him and walk away (fast goodbyes are much better than long ones). I'd lean against the wall to settle my nerves for a minute or two, and when I peeked in, he was TOTALLY fine and playing! It was crazy as a first time mom to see how he could go from broken hearted to happy and engaging that fast. :P Now I watch a little boy and occasionally he'll cry or be upset to say goodbye to his parents, and will cry on the porch but by the time we've walked in and closed the door, he's smiling, telling me what he wants to drink, and what he did last night. I think it's not fun to say goodbye, but once done, they do get on with the day. My son now kisses me at the door to church and I have to chase him all the way to his children's class so he can run in and play. In time, they realize and understand you ARE coming back, so have fun while they can.