The average run of the mill virus lasts 10 days.
Some are short lived and last 24-36 hours. Some are absolute nightmares and last 6+ months. But most last 10 days on average.
The BEST support for her immune system is REST. (I know, hard to acchieve with a wee one. Liberal use of the TV helps).
SECOND best is nutrition & hydration. Hydration is easy, you have to PUSH fluids (apple juice is best, it has the sugar your brain needs to function, unless you're vomiting or fluxing, then pedialyte or gatorade for the salts). NUTRITION (however) IS BACKWARDS. Your digestive system shuts down when you're sick (to funnel the energy to your immune system). So what's "healthy" when you're well IS NOT healthy when you're sick. Your immune system is MOSTLY fats with a little protein thrown in for structure. Your digestive system can't digest solids very well (nor anything that has to be broken down a lot). So you need a HIGH FAT / BROKEN DOWN as much as possible diet when you're ill. Chicken Soup or McDonalds. Seriously. The SAME things that make mcdonalds UNhealthy the rest of the time, makes them the BEST food to eat when you're sick. It's so processed and so full of fat that your body needs to spend almost ZERO energy digesting it. The fats get sent straight to your immune system to make antibodies. You need, need, need those fats when you're sick.