How HOT Was It Today???

Updated on July 23, 2011
C.C. asks from Morrisville, PA
16 answers

WOW it was about 106 degrees today. Ugh. Plus our area has high humidty. It was brutal!! I am in fairly good shape. I bike, hike and go to the gym on a regular basis. I struggled today just walking to my mailbox ..its about 200 ft from my front door. We went swimming later in the day. It is so hot!!

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answers from Seattle on

I was thrilled that it hit 70 today... I'm craving some warm weather up here! However, 106 IS a bit over the top!! The only way I remember enjoying that temp was being in Vegas, walking in and out of nice cool casinos with a margarita in my hand! :)

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answers from Dallas on

Im in texas. Nuff said! We don't go outside from may-october. We stay in the air conditioned batcave!

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answers from Dallas on

I heard Satan wants his weather back.

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answers from San Antonio on

My thermometer only said 103. Apparently we had a cold front come through, lol!

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answers from Kansas City on

It was so hot I wouldn't even look out the window to see how hot it looked. #stayedinthecentralair :)

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answers from Pittsburgh on

These are the days I pray my AC doesn't give out.

I stepped outside for 5 minutes and felt like I was literally melting.

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answers from Seattle on

Ha, it was around 70 here today..guess I'll quit bitching about being hot now! :)

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answers from Boston on

Oh that IS hot! We were at 102 today and our pool water (which I am so grateful to have!!) was 82. I'm not complaining - it's better than the 3+ feet of snow we had in January alone (6.5 feet for the winter), followed by a deep freeze that kept the ground covered in snow until late March. Six months ago we had had 4 major snowstorms in 3 weeks! I'll take the heat, thanks!

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answers from Reading on

I'm out here in Reading and at 2:00 yesterday the NWS said it was 105 out in my area. The heat index was about 115, but I truly couldn't handle the heat yesterday, today should be about 5 degrees cooler and tomorrow only in the upper 90's. It'll be like a huge cool off for us!

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answers from Detroit on

When I stepped outside, I felt like I was walking into God's kitchen oven (actually yesterday was worse here, today was 92 so I guess that says something when 92 feels better!).



answers from Joplin on

I know I agree what is going on? it just seems like it is getting worse every year or something! It definitely felt like walking into a hot kitchen,I can not breathe right when it is like this it just makes me so sick! 104



answers from Minneapolis on

The worst heat has moved east from Minnesota. We broke heat/humidity records last set in 1966 this week! Heat indexes from 100 - 120 for about three days. We were back down to about 90 today, but still sticky.

I live in MN because I'd much rather deal with cold than heat, but we normally get one or two weeks of hot weather. This was way worse than usual, just glad it didn't stay long! Back to the 80s for next week (yes!)



answers from Phoenix on

113 Here in Surprise,AZ.. Not to bad... It's 1am and still reading 94deg.



answers from Dallas on

We got a brief break from the extreme heat today. It was only 100. I couldn't believe it!! It's pretty sad when we get excited, about it "only" being 100 degrees :)


answers from Redding on

94 here today. It was ok in the shade cuz there was a breeze.


answers from New York on

It was 110 with the humidity. I am 7 months pregnant and have a 3 yr old. We tried to stay in as much as possible yesterday. Way too hot to be outside.

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