I HAVE to keep hydrated, I have fibromyalgia and if I begin to start dehydrating I feel it in my muscles and joints. I got extremely dehydrated last Friday, the first day of our heat wave, and that night was awakened by severe Charley horses twice. I was in tremendous pain but had to force myself to walk them off AND try to get fluids into my body at the same time.
So, with that reminder I have my water bottle filled at all times and keep it near me to sip while I'm cooking, cleaning, on the computer, whatever I'm doing. When I give the little guy water, which is several times a day since he loves it, I drink water, too.
I drink at least the equivalent of 8 glasses of water a day, probably closer to 10, and try to guzzle the majority of it during the day and early evening because I don't like being up in the middle of the night having to use the bathroom either.
And, something I learned from seeing a friend do it all the time is to drink ice water with a lemon wedge in it at mealtimes. I just squeeze the juice into the water, you can leave the lemon in the glass as well, and the lemon water has the added benefit of bringing out the tastes of foods. I started doing this in restaurants as well and save on drinks : )