Hi A.,
One thing to watch out for, Excema, allergies and asthma sometimes go together. Are there ANY allergies in your family? My husband has mild seasonal allergies, I have no allergies, but my son has life threatening peanut and tree nut allergies. He had excema as an infant as well. Be very careful of the main allergens - nuts, fish, shellfish, eggs, dairy, etc...Back then (he is 8 now) we were told that because the closest relative w/a food allergy was a cousin, we didn't have to worry about allergies, especially since I breast fed and suggested peanut butter at 15 mos. Not true. Now I think the rule of thumb for all nuts is 3 years. If your child has excema, I'd be extra careful and introduce new foods one at a time and wait a week in between. Rash, hives, itching, sneezing, diarhea are mild allergy symptoms. My son reacted to peanut butter with hives, redness then facial swelling. Luckily we had Benadryl on hand. Now we carry Epi pens wherever we go.