How Do I Scrapbook Baby #2'S First Year?

Updated on September 02, 2011
W.R. asks from Blacksburg, VA
5 answers

Hi! I have a baby book for both of my kids, and for the first I also did a scrapbook of her first year. I included everything from that year in it, even things (like my b'day, etc.) that weren't really about her, because nearly everything that year revolved around her. Now I have a second, and I want to do a scrapbook of her first year. But if I do it the same way, it will also have things like her big sister's b'day, her big sister's dance class, etc. But if I try to do just her in one and everything else in another, I will end up having photos of her in both albums and I'm afraid it'll be repetitive. So, what should I do? One book, called her first year, including everything, or 2 books, one of just her, and one of everything else plus her?

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answers from Minneapolis on

I would do it the same way you did your first's. I did a first year scrapbook for both my kids but I made it about them and things that happened to them. But with the 2nd one that also included her and her brother or her brother holding her. Both included pictures of them celebrating a holiday, birthday & special event.

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answers from Phoenix on

I am not a scrapbooker, but I am an obsessed picture taking mom. Here's what I did. It took a bit of work to get it done, but I feel good about it. I grew the second of 4 kids, and my mom put all of the pictures in one album together and we were all in all the pictures. Barely is there a shot with just me.
So, each of my kids got a baby book.
They also each got 4 albums of their first year. Yes, 800 pictures! I used the first year albums as a sort of memory/growth book by writing what they were doing as well as the age/date at the time the picture was taken.
I also have a family album which has family pictures. I made duplicates of favorites from their baby albums for that. I am not worried about being repetitive because it is only for the first year!
Finally, I make a hard covered photo book online for each year after the first. So, I make one book from age 1-2 and call it their second year book, etc. I have at least one spread in their photo book for pictures with siblings.
I really think it has been a lot of work (especially when I was doing the first 4 albums) and sorta expensive, but worth it. Now, when my kids want to know about themselves and their growth and milestones as a baby, they have a baby book and 4 albums of info and pictures ONLY about them.
But, I also have a family album for me with all my kids in it as well as other family stuff and relatives and friends.



answers from Washington DC on

For the repetitive things you could focus on what the younger child is doing for or with her sister. If there aren't any moments like this then don't scrapbook it. For things like Xmas you can take pics just of one child opening a few presents and if there are moments they share that you want to document you can do it in both if it's something you really want each of them to know about one another. This is something I hadn't even considered, since I'm having number two in 4 weeks. Thanks for the heads up if nothing else ;)



answers from Kansas City on

I had the same exact problem, and now I have #3 and it is even worse! I finally before my 3rd came just put them all into order by date, and put them in books together. One of my friends said she made color copies and they came out great, this way you can just make copies of all the ones of "their own" pages, and make one just for that child. I will eventually do this I think, it is just too much money for me to do right now, and obviously the child will not be taking it with them for awhile. Good luck, and I'm looking forward to hearing the answers!


answers from Portland on

I would do it like her sisters just don't overput other events in there... if that makes sense. Just make sure most of it is like her. Then big sister's dance class and stuff like that can be in either a traditional photo album or you can make a scrapbook of "year of 2010-2011" type of thing and can have everything else in it.

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