How Can I Get My 2 Year Old to Drink His Water?

Updated on July 15, 2008
B.B. asks from Greer, SC
23 answers

Every time I give my son water to drink he just cries. I don't give in to this behavior. My mistake was giving him juice right off instead of starting him on water. As a 1st time parent I know now not to do that with our next child. When we're out and about I only give him water. I know he's testing me, but this is really getting on my nerves and I don't know how to get him to drink it. He's really stubborn.

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So What Happened?

Thank you all for the suggestions. Well when I said I had started out giving Will juice, I've always diluted it 1/2 juice and 1/2 water. So, now I'm just adding a little bit of juice to his water and he drinks it fine.

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answers from Savannah on

We give the CapriSuns that taste like juice but are really just flavored water. My kids love them and don't have a clue!



answers from Atlanta on

I put a little lemon juice or an ice cube in my daughters water. It seems to help her drink more of it. I can't guarantee he'll finish it though :-)

More Answers



answers from Columbia on

I had the same problem. I let my 2 and 3 year olds pick out a cute little water bottle just for water. Whenever they see me w/mine, they always want theirs. Now I have no problems getting them to drink plain water.



answers from Charleston on

Some kids just do not like plan water. It's okay. If you ask some docs they say there is enough water in milk , juice and most all drinks. Just watch the sugar.

Caprisun and minutemaid all have a selection of water flavored juices. There is an assortment of flavored water out there

If he likes oranges - slice oranges and put them in water, do the same with lemons with a little sugar and make lemonade.



answers from Atlanta on

I started by cutting the juice 1/2, then 3/4 water etc. It also helps to put ice. Are there other caregivers that give straight juice or juice boxes? Oh...and the crystal light thing works w/o giving too much sugar. My daughter loved just having a "big girl bottle" and with your 2 year old you may try adding a straw to make it more fun. Worked for me.

T. M.



answers from Atlanta on

Try diluting the juice with water. For example 60% or 70% water and the rest juice. Once he gets use to very weak juice then he may not mind water so much. SMILE!



answers from Columbia on

I was in the same boat with my 2.5 yr. old. I started talking more and more about how good water is for our body "mmmmm, this water is so good for my body, I like it." Also verbally noticing anyone else (in restaurants, on tv, whatever) drinking water, and just casually mentioning that it sure looked yummy and is sooo good for us. Finally, he would take a sip and say, "my body likes this water" and has been much more agreeable. I also set a schedule that juice is for snack time, milk is for meal time, and water is for nap/bedtime. That consistency seems to help. I also try to have a glass of water along with him, to model the positive behavior I am seeking.
Hope that helps!



answers from Charleston on

Don't be hard on yourself. I gave my son only water until he was about 2 1/2, and then only gave him about 2/3 water, 1/3 juice. He is now 5 and for as long as I can remember will not drink water - even if that's all he is offerred. I still mix it with up to 2/3 water and yes, it can be inconvenient, but sometimes that is how it goes. I would suggest mixing it with a lot of water and maybe over time getting it to be all water if you can, and try some other things I am sure will be suggested, but don't stress about it..



answers from Columbia on

Put alittle juice in it for flavor. I give my toddlers half water and half juice so they get both their juice and there water. You can then give them two of them a day, a milk or two a day, and even thou doctors say other wise, if they are really good. You can give them half tea/half water. So it'll be water down and they get a little more water instead of sugery tea. They won't need much more then that to drink in their day after all of that. Mexican liquid chocolet isn't so bad either in their milk. Even a little bit before bed, it atraly calms them being its not sugary like our chocolet.


answers from Atlanta on

He is in the terrible two stage. And the more stuborn you get the more he will refuse to dringk his water. You have to lear which fights to pick and which ones to let go. I am sure once he realize this does not bother you he will drink his water



answers from Atlanta on

Have you tried making a big deal of it???? Ummmmm this is so good - Oh Momma needs some water - Oh this feels so good in my tummy.. This is sooo good for us. SEVERAL times a day..What are you drinking in front of him? Could you try to drink only water around him? Have patience hon- you'll get him there.......(and don't worry about the terri-able twos--they only last about 16 years)



answers from Spartanburg on

Hi. First off, I would like to say that you are not a bad mom because you give your child juice. :) I have 2 kids and I gave both of them juice, but only during snack time. At meals they got and still do drink milk, and anything to drink in between meals or snacks, they drink water. It has always been that way with them. They didn't like it at first, but, got use to it. In fact, I bought both of them a "special" water bottle that was their own, and kept it in the fridge, , so that whenever they get thirsty, it is there for them to grab. Or if we go somewhere, they take it so they will have something to drink. Hang in there... stand your ground, and if he is thirsty enough, he will eventually drink. As long as he is drinking at meals and snacks, he won't get dehydrated. Good luck.



answers from Augusta on

We would dilute the juice with water. Start out with very little water and more juice. As he gets use to it, then decrease the juice, and increase the water. I've done this with three of my four (My baby didn't like the taste of he only drank water until old enough for oj at breakfast) and it worked very well. If you see that he's not drinking it because you've decreased the juice, then add it back and try again.



answers from Augusta on

Give him flavored water.
My dentist said its just as good a regular and it makes sure they get the water they need. You can buy these little packages to put in his water ,different flavors and sugar free. Just dilute it down so its not full strength but still a little tasty some tap water doesn't taste very good strait out of the tap anyway. My kids are limited to Juice,milk , and tea at meals only and water between but thinks like crystal light, or suger free kool aid , flavored water can be substituted for just plain water. Sometimes even I dont want just strait water.



answers from Atlanta on

Ever since my kids were old enough to drink juice, I've given them 1/2 juice 1/2 water. Neither of my kids like plain water very much (probably cause I didn't start them out early either). But giving them 1/2 juice 1/2 water gives them the water they need. I also always give them 100% juice like Juicy Juice that has no added sugar or food coloring. Flavored water and crystal light often times has food coloring and asparatame which are really bad for you and your little one. Hope this helps!



answers from Savannah on

maybe add a little flavoring of some kind,like lemon or some other fruits. Other than that i really not sure. your guess as good as mine.



answers from Atlanta on

Have you tried watering down his juice a bit more every couple of days until it is all or virtually all water? Serve it quite cold, maybe with fun ice cubes? Get him a special fun straw cup to use just for water?

Good luck,
mommy to 3 (ds8, dd6, dd3)



answers from Myrtle Beach on

Why don't you try with starting to water down his juice little by little. Every couple of days, increase the water and decrease the juice till he's almost drinking straight water? I had to do that with milk in my daughter's sippy cup. She wouldn't drink milk from the cup only water. It worked like a charm. Go slowing but with in a week or two, he should be good. Good luck!



answers from Atlanta on

You could gradually dilute his juice over time until it's mostly water or you could just not keep any juice in the house. Then when he asks for it, just show him that it's 'all gone.'



answers from Atlanta on

LOL, I hate drinking plain water, unless it is REALLY cold, with ice in it. I agree with the previous poster who suggested flavored water.



answers from Spartanburg on

my pediatrician told me it was okay to use a little crystal light powder to flavor the water. i did that for a while, but what really worked the best for me was buying some flavored water (lots of brands to choose from, but i think we used aquafina). i let her have a sippy cup of that for a week or so, then started to mix it with more and more water until i was just using a splash of the flavor. she'll now drink plain water or water with just a little splash of juice, flavor, or crystal light powder.

it's frustrating when they can't understand what "IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!" means! :)



answers from Atlanta on

You're a good mom!

Say "when you drink 5 big sips of your water, then you can have juice." You can make it as many or as little sips as you want. REMEMBER: with the two's, your goal is to show who is in charge. The water and the juice are NOT the issue. Determining who is running the show is!

I used to put my little one in time and and she would pop right back up. So, as soon as I put her in time out, I'd almost immediately say "ok, you can get up now." She was only in time out for a second or two! So, true to form, she refused to get up! It was hilarious. Anyway, pretty soon, when I put her in time out, she stayed. And, that was that.

Good luck!



answers from Savannah on

Heres some ideas my daughter likes ice in her water cups she thinks its something special you could even try a drop or 2 of food color in the ice to make it something extra special. Make sure your kid sees you drinking lots of water as well. We only give our daughter juice for a snack after her nap and we water that down too. If he absolutely wont drink the water try watering down the juice like others said make sure the juice is 100% juice that way at least its nutritional not like a sugary drink. My daughter also loves the song gulp gulp drink some water from the wiggles (even though I started her out with water when she was around 2 she'd much rather have the juice) now at 3 she actually asks for water b/c she knows she only gets juice as a snack or if we are out to eat or something special. we dont make it seem like a big deal water is just another drink the one we use most often if you make a big deal out of it he will think there is good reason for him to protest the water. Just simply tell him no you may have some water if you are thirsty would you like some ice in it? Or ask him would you like water with ice or with out ice that way he thinks hes getting a choice and you win too. Good luck.

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