My Son had lots of congestion problems. At eight months old he got an ear infection. They put him on antibiotics and after two weeks the infection was gone but there was still fluid in the ears. They kept him on the antibiotics to prevent more infections until the fluid could drain off. After a month the doctor said if they could not get the fluid off they would have to put tubes in his ears. He felt that the overall congestion in his chest and sinuses was preventing the fluid from draining and put him on Singulair granuals and Zyrtec. After about a week the congestion was gone. I couldn't believe how much it had helped him. When we went back the fluid was gone out of his ears and they decided to keep him on the allergy meds. I did not like the idea of daily meds either at this age but the change was so dramatic. He still gets colds occasionally but he does not have the constant congestion that goes on and on. I hope this helps.