I am a 31 yr. old blessed mother of 2, I have worked in the health field for 10 yrs now & can't imagine doing anything else...you need to observe what your daughter does at night, whitout you being in the room..any dept. store sell tv baby monitors, get one and monitor your child for a couple of nights and see if there's any routine to what she is doing. then contact your local drug store and have them order a soft rubber head protecter for her to wear at night(very important if she doesn't already have one), next go to walmart or some other store like that and go to the toothbrush ilse..where they have the TRAY TOOTH WHITENING KITS, getone that has the tray that you heat up & form to your mouth, i think it's about 10.00, get it & fit it to her mouth..use this on her at night to keep her from tearing the skin when she bites herself. it sounds like she has mastered rolling, toys r us has gym mats thatyou can buy and put those down to sleep on. i know it sounds like alot to buy, but most are inexpensive.you can also go to an elementary school & ask for gym mats they don't use anymore. i have worked with neonatals-geriatrics, from my expirience it does get better when they get older, they find thier own way to "talk" to you, just be very keen & observant & you'll figure it all out. one patient i had would roll to the closet door in the middle of the night & beat their head against it..it took 2 weeks almost to figure out it was a bathroom call & they were messy(sorry can't say he/she, against the law), all the while before we just thought it was bad dreams.if you need anything i'm just an ear shot away. I truly empathize with what you are going through, I know most times you feel like it's never going to get better & this is as good as it gets. Just take a deep breath, close your eyes, release it slowly and imagine yourself in a far off place, some place you have always wanted to go, visualize how everything would be down to a grain of sand..repeat this process every time you feel you're going to lose it.