Just let her lead. Mine just wanted in my lap and to grab food out of my plate. She showed me that she was very interested in moving on from purees by showing more interest in what mom and dad were eating. She progressed on the early side, not only wanting solids early but wanting more complex flavors by 7 or 8 months. by 9 mo she had all but rejected her smoothe cereals and purees (even milled portions of our food) in favor of finger food. But if your baby does not show an interest stick with purees introducing a taise here and a taiste there off your plate when texture allows. It will either spark an interst or it won't. I think I milled her up some of our spaghetti at around at the 8 month mark and she loved it so much I think I should have done it a week or two sooner! Mine is 11 months now and eats bite size peices of pasta, toast, or most any bread product including tortilla. She eats fruit chuncks, including halved bluberries with skin. She eats textured purees such as refried beans and applesauce. Beans, corn, to list a few. Last night she stole a peice of iceburg lettuce off my plate and ate it! Again, I think she has progressed on the early side (she has 3 teeth). FYI ricotta cheese is a great way to try out a soft finger food with mild texture.