Home Remedy for a Cold

Updated on December 31, 2009
H.W. asks from Altoona, IA
5 answers

Any suggestions???? 6 1/2 month old, using saline and spray, baby vapor rub, tylenol, matress is elevated....any other tried and true ideas?

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answers from Des Moines on

Not really a suggestion for daytime, but whenever any of my kids (6 mos, 4yr and 7r) get a cold, I use a Vick's vaporizer (steamy/warm humidifier) in their room at night. REALLY helps them sleep. Awhile back, my daughter had a cold. We had a long night of coughing, and then the next night I put out the vaporizer, and no coughing...slept soundly. Now, anytime one of them gets a cold, I automatically put out the vaporizer. Works everytime. (you do have to close their door almost all the way though...to trap the moisture in. I usually leave the door cracked)I figure it is most important for them to get a good nights sleep. I don't think those cool mist humidifiers they suggest do anything. I have tried that and it made no difference. Good luck, it sounds like you are doing all you can!



answers from St. Louis on

A small bathroom with a shower. Turn the water on hot and close the door. Stay in there for 10 min. My doctor also says take them out on a cold night and let them breathe some night air too. Hope it helps.



answers from Chicago on

I also recommend a warm humidifier. It works wonders and was the only way my daughter was able to sleep through the night.



answers from St. Cloud on

Chiropractor! Get your baby adjusted. Helps our kids every time. (Make sure to ask them to show you the pressure points where you should massage your baby to help the process along too!)



answers from Albany on

For stuffed nose - breastmilk up the nose is a tried and true remedy, similar to saline, but with antibacterial and almost magical properties. Helping a stuffed nose also helps prevent painful ear infections.

For coughing - cold mist humidifier will help (especially if they have asthma)

Lots of liquids.

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