You said you need to find someone else because your friend only has 2 kids. Are you wanting him around a whole bunch of children? Some kids are more sensitive and get over stimulated easily, so fewer children just might be what he's needing. I have 2 boys whose behavior worsens when there is too much commotion. I also have 2 boys who do not have this problem. Each child is different. My oldest son was very intense, very sensitive, very aggresive, diagnosed with ADHD (and others). He was a challenge for so many years and I learned a LOT about patience through him. He is not on any medications and he calmed way down when he hit 13 (he will be 15 on Sunday). I tried public school for him when he was in 4th and 5th grades, but there were just too many children and his problems intensified. My youngest son shows some intensity and sensitivity to overstimulation, but he does not have the ADHD tendencies. I am also MUCH better at knowing how to handle things from the get go with him. Most of the time I can just remove him from all the "activity" and he calms down again. It sounds like your son might benefit more from the smaller, "home type" atmosphere rather than a daycare center atmosphere. It's important that whoever watches him has patience with his behaviors. By patience, I don't meann letting him just get by with whatever, but handling it in a calm manner and not in a way where he feels like a bad, unliked boy.