I can say first off that kids need time to play without the adult micro managing every second of it. Let them play. when I was a kid my mom used to see us at breakfast lunch and dinner. we played outside with our friends all summer long. mostly in our backyard or a neighbors yard but she didn't sit next to us and tell us what and how to play. Not saying you do that lol but I see so many posts that ask what do you play with your kids and how to entertain them. don't. let them learn to entertain themselves. field trips are good but they should be special not just an every day thing or they are not special. if they get bored tell them to make up a game. physical or a board game whatever. read a book, play on the swings. but don't get trapped in the "let mommy show you how to do everything" role or you will have kids at highschool level saying "I am bored take me somewhere" all day every day. not good for either of you