hey Sweet!!
Go get a cup of tea or coffee - put your feet up - this will be a long one...sorry...
Borrowing from Peter to pay Paul isn't always the right solution...
If you can't live without your paycheck - you might need to consider going back to work until you can. It's not the BEST solution, but it is a consideration....you are already defensive about this (your rebuttal to Hannah was a tad harsh - you asked the question in a public forum) so you have to willing to take the good with the bad and hers wasn't bad...
If you are going to do this - an emergency fund of $1K isn't going to be enough. Sorry - we have six months of my husband's salary in savings and we've been utilizing it for 2 months while he was unemployed...
There are many "if's" related to this question.
If you are going to do this - you need to fix the debt problem. Not that you were living extravagantly but you were not living within your means - you did not adequately prepare for things....is that wrong? yes and no. you now have something to learn from. if you can't learn from this then you will only repeat it.
IF you are read to stop charging - you really have to back it up...we are a cash only family...no credit cards...and I can tell you from one who LOVES to spend - it is a VERY hard transition. VERY HARD.
If you are already living paycheck to paycheck - you need to talk with your mortgage company to find out if you even qualify for a HELOC (Home Equity Line of Credit) or a refinance...find out what you would be able to take out - this means getting an appraisal done on the house to find out what it is worth, pulling a credit report and finding out if you have a good enough score to lower your interest rate as well as pull money out. You might have to come to the table with money - sometimes up to $3K...can you do that?
So being a debt free/cash only family IS possible...it takes a LOT of hard work and restraint...can you do this? Yes. but you have to be realistic in your savings and planning...$1K is NOT enough for an emergency fund - as proven in your past history of charging...so make a plan and stick to it. DO NOT CHARGE...see what you can get through on your own...you might be surprised....
if you are going to do the refinance and pull money out - make sure you plan on staying in the house at least 5 to 7 more years.
IF you are going to do this - make sure you cut up all your credit cards and not use them for an "emergency" again...if the car needs repaired - find out how much it will cost to fix it and save for it. if you need a root canal - find out if the doctor will take payments...
See all the "if's"? Many questions that need to be answered by you and your husband...it can be done. but you have to be dedicated to leaving the debt behind...