A fare price would be $250/week for both, but she is a friend of yours, so I don't know if she expects something lower.
What is a good rate for home childcare? A friend of mine is looking at returning to work, so I thought about keeping her kids (2.5 years and 15 months) for some extra income. I'm just not sure exactly what to charge. I would provide a morning snack and lunch, as well as art supplies and a curriculum (I taught preschool for many years so I have all the resources). Thanks!
A fare price would be $250/week for both, but she is a friend of yours, so I don't know if she expects something lower.
I am a home daycare provider in Allen. I charge $160.00 for each child. I only keep 6 infant/preschool age. If you decide to keep in your home you need to get listed with the state so no one will turn you in. You have to be with the state no matter what. It is not very much for this fee. The state is really cracking down on this.
Good Luck
I've been keeping kids for about 6 years now and I'd say with all you're planning to provide $50 a day is the minimum -- friend or not. You don't want to end up resenting your friend if you feel like your being taken advantage of or not being paid what you deserve and it is a lot of work! They will be getting much more attention with you than at a daycare so take that into account. Also, I have never been registered with the state, and don't really think it is necessary especially if you are keeping a friend's children (just my opinion on that).
I did cheap childcare for a friend a few years ago and I charged her $225 per week total...it balanced to $20 per day for the 3 yr old and $25 per day for the 1yr old...I provided breakfast and snacks but she often brought him with breakfast. We did lots of outings, to libraries, and lots of free stuff, no real curriculum just childcare.