When my daughter was in daycare there were a lot of wonderful people who took care of her like she was family. They have a low paying job and deal with a lot of grub from accidents in the pants, spilled food & art supplies, tantums, etc. It was a big chunk of change for me, but I saved specifically for this by putting in a dollar a day, literally, in a jar. I also sell avon, so I would give $$ to each teacher, helper, a nice card noting a specific incident that showed how caring they were to my daughter. Also, thru out the year, if I had a party, lefteover pastries or food I would bring in for the staff and kids. And for the admin staff at the Y, one year I wanted to give the staff something, but I didn't have much $$, I made a little platter with fruits, cheeses, crackers, candy and I made a brownies from a mix. I have friends who are teachers and I asked their advice and they all said they get way too much candy, soaps, lotions, scarves. They told me gift cards were always nice, even if it was for Dunkin Doughnuts instead of Starbucks.
The owneners were an older married couple. I sold Avon, so I was able to get them a nice gift w/o spending too $$$, usually a watch, picture frames. Other families donated their used, but good condition car seats, play sets, etc. They always appreciated that, it was like a little Christmas for the kids too.
Happy Holidays!