I've had GD with both my last pregnancy and my current one. Here are my reccomendations. Avoid too many carbs first thing in the morning. I usually do not eat more than 15g carbs in the morning and avoid fruits and milk because this is when the hormones from the placenta are the highest. I usually have eggs, bacon and low carb toast. Follow serving sizes, and read ingredients, if sugar, corn syrup, honey,fructose or other "-ose" is in the first 3 ingredients it is usually too much sugar. Eat at regular times to avoid highs and lows. 3 meals plus 3-4 snacks daily. Main meals I try to have 15-30g carbs, 2-3 protiens, plus veggies/fruit. Snacks consist of 1 serving carb, a fruit and protien. Try not to go over 3 hours without eating during the day and not over 10 hours between bedtime and breakfast. High fiber foods can help control blood sugar also. Include a protien food every time you eat, especially with carbs. Walking (10-30mins) after a meal can greatly reduce blood sugar numbers. Most fruits are about 15g carbs. Check on breads, I found Orowheat light is 2 slices/serving and reasonable for carbs. Veggies are free, except for corn, winter squashes, peas and beans. These count as starches/carbs. Some good sources of protiens include beef, chicken/turkey, fish, egg (or egg substitute), cheese, cottage cheese, pork, ham, shellfish, peanut butter (or other nut butters), raw nuts and tofu. For yogurt I get Dannon fit and light carb/sugar control. Milk is 15g carb for 1 cup but is high protien also. Things my info says to avoid are candy, ice cream/froz. yogurt, muffins/donuts, honey, jams, pasta sauce, bbq sauce, ketchup, soft drinks (diet ok), baked beans, cakes/pie, cookies, fruit juice and instant hot/cold cereal. I found sugar free jam is not a problem and I get the sugar free flavored creamer for my coffee. Non-instant oatmeal is ok, 1/2 c. cooked = 15g carb/starch. Feel free to write me if you have more questions. Gestational Diabetes has nothing to do with regular diabetes although family history can increase your chances of getting GD. It is cuased by insulin resistant hormones from the placenta.