I didn't read the other responses...
I have been where you are! Something works, and then it doesn't and then something else works but, it seems like only for a minute and then you're back to square one.
You feel like you've tried everything and nothing works.
My son is now two years old, and I resorted to co-sleeping...but, it's just me and him and the crib didn't work and the rocking only worked for a short time, but as soon as he was in his bassinet it was like I had hung him from his toes. And, all I could take was about a week of that when I finally read the book called the Family Bed. But, again this was MY choice and not everything works for everyone.
It seems like you've tried consistency and have a schedule...am I wrong?
But in my opinion, your little one is moving into a new developmental phase and what was okay for sleep is now a thing of the past. I'm not a fan of CIO, only because I have read the same thing you mentioned, and it scared the heck out of me. CIO is not recommended until a minimum of 9 months old, due to the need for feeding on demand and nuturing versus detachment. Infants who detach at an early age are less likely to form bonds of a variety of kinds, but most notably intimate bonds with family/friends. I'm not completely versed in the CIO Method, but I believe their is a time limit based on age, and that 10 minutes might be kind of long for a little one of 3 months.
I'm not going to tell you, that you should try co-sleeping since, it's totally a life choice and a huge change from a sleeping baby in a crib...it just was easier for me to nurse and sleep. You sound like you've got a good head on your shoulders, and you just have a little one who is falling into a new pattern of her own and trying to get that worked out can be super tough. Truly, it is the hardest thing to mesh what we hoped we would do as parents to babies, and what ACTUALLY happens once they get here. I had a huge plan of how I wanted things done and how I was going to have my baby sleep and he prooved me wrong on almost every account!
I would recommend the following website, that has a lot of great information about sleep methods and attachment parenting without co-sleeping that might be helpful. I have used a lot of the sleep advice for my son, and discipline...I have also used soothing music since he was a baby, and when he was in his crib I got the Baby Einstein Turtle that worked for a bit too, as a distraction until he fell asleep...it might be worth a shot.
I know my advice probably isn't super helpful, but I wish you good luck!