Please use caution with eliminating night feedings. Contrary to what the popular parenting books say, some babies just need night feedings because they eat smaller more frequent meals. Reflux babies that eat less more often actually seem to do better.
I hear your frustration and have experienced it with my first. I read a lot of books and felt like a bad Mom because I couldn't ever get my daughter to "follow the rules". She nursed often (up to 7 times a day until 1 yr), she napped no longer than 45 minutes and awoke frequently at night. Finally, I realized that I could either resent her and get angry every time she cried at night or I could treasure those moment knowing that soon they would end. Gradually she began sleeping longer after her last tooth came in and by 19 months she was finally sleeping through the night. Now she's 6 and the best sleeper in the house, sleeping 10-11 hours at night every night and falling asleep without help since age 3. Some kids just don't fit the mold. She didn't, but she's a terrific, secure and loving kid. Now I'm up several times a night with her 16 month old brother and don't sweat it nearly so much because I know this too shall end. Sometimes as parents we have to change our expectations, do what works, and go with it. Please see http://www.askdrsears.com/html/7/T070300.asp for some good advice about infant sleep. Midwife mom of 3