I can totally relate. I used to be so much more in shape and thinner before kids! Even after I got back to my pre-baby weight, but the past year have put on 15-20 pounds. I tried Weight Watchers online and I don't recommend that. Personally for me, it was too easy to cheat. I liked that i could do things at home and right on the computer, but I didn't have to be held accountable, so it didn't work. I was just going to enroll in the actual WW meetings where I figured that would help me, but my husband and I had a long talk about it, and he gave me the encouragement that I could do it myself. I used to be so healthy and I know WHAT I'm supposed to do, it's just making myself do it. So, I tried it starting the day after CHristmas and in one week, I lost 3.4 pounds. I did it my exercising 6 days a week for half hour to an hour and just watching what I ate. My mom has been on WW for a few months now and has lost around 12 pounds. It is slow, but a change of lifestyle, not a gimmick. So I do think it's a good program. I have started a notebook and I write down things on a daily basis, goals for the day, what I eat, etc. I've also cut out pictures of what I'd like to look like, so I can look at them for motiviation! I am going to Mexico on Jan. 24th, so I've hung my swimsuit (that looked way better on me last year!) in my closet so I see it everytime I'm in there. Lots of litle things for motivation. If you want a buddy, I'd be interested in having someone else who is doing it for encouragement, info, etc. Good luck! You can do it!