I suffered and still suffer from depression. I was postpartum so bad I almost lost my husband and had to do something about it. Its been 3 years and I still take effexor, the dr put me on paxil at first and I saw a councilor, the drugs worked right away and i didnt have thoughts of i am a bad mom, i thought my husband was cheating i was my own worst enemy, and one day i told my husband i think about killing myself. That is when I got help. A new baby and lack of sleep ect leads to that and I alternative meds never work as fast as you need them. Its hard to enjoy your life when you yourself are falling apart and your husband leaves and know one understands why you are so sad. I know and somepeople end up taking meds forever. I am one of those people and not ashamed to admit I need that pill to take away all the overthinking and not seeing the wonderful things I have. I saw Dr. George LaMasters at the Maynard wellness clinic on scottsdale Rd. He found the right medicine for me. Xanex and Prozac are to addicting I would not recommend those. Paxil was calming, I could never cry anymore, It was like a happy day and no static in your head. I know I am rambling on I know what youre going through and its horrible. I hope this helps. Talk to your husband and explain this is not me and I am getting help and I need your support because I love you and our family. Thats what I said to my husband and he supported me through it. Yours will do the same.. Take care and god bless.