Hi, L.
You can hold his nostrils closed so he can't taste the medication and blow in his face so he'll swallow, or mix it in a bit of hershey chocolate or any food that can mask the taste.
My 2 year old son hates taking any type of medicine, everyday it’s a struggle because he is very allergic. He has strep throat right now and we have to give him antibiotics twice a day. He refuses to open his mouth and if we finally put it in his mouth he spits it up. We have tried mixing it with food or drinks, but it doesn't always work. Does anyone else have the same problem? Or any ideas? Help!
Thank You so much for all your help! we finally finished the antibiotics! I tried a little of everything and I was able to get almost all of the medicine. Is nice to know that i am not alone with this issue
Hi, L.
You can hold his nostrils closed so he can't taste the medication and blow in his face so he'll swallow, or mix it in a bit of hershey chocolate or any food that can mask the taste.
hello, L.!
i can imagine how frustrating this is! there are lots of good options...you can ask the doctor to write for a chewable kind as lots of kids will take it that way. also, target pharmacies will add flavor to the medicine and your child can pick out the flavor that he wants...
it is important that if he really does have strep (culture was positive) that he take all of the antibiotic to prevent some very serious complications (like rheumatic heart disease). i know it must be hard, but keep trying!
hope this helps!
Is he allergic to the antibiotics? I think you should continue mixing it with his favorite drink without him knowing about it or maybe tell him that if he takes his medicine you will give him a special toy or do something he likes to do. Tell him that he will feel all better when he takes his medicine.
I hope this link helps: http://www.wikihow.com/Administer-Medicine-to-a-Resistant...
Good luck!
You can search on www.google.com by using the phrase, "Child Won't Take Medicine"
P.S. I just read the other post about someone having strep "a thousand times"and advising against medicine. This person probably has repeated strep cases BECAUSE they never effectively killed the bacteria that causes the infection called streptococcus. In some instances, strep can be very dangerous and even life threatning, which is why doctors are pro-active about treatment. Antiobiotics should only being used sparingly, as your doctor knows. Our 4yo daughter had her tonsils removed after having strep 4x times in 4 months (with antibiotics) and she hasn't had strep since!!
Have you tried any of the Apothecaries in Tucson. They are a compound pharmacy that mixes medicines with flavors especially for children (I know other pharmacies may do it too). Take your son in there and have him pick out the flavor himself! Also have you tried to put something else in the dispenser? Like juice and then yogurt and just make a game out of it, so he won't be so tentative when the medicine comes.
Good luck!
You may want to try going to a formulation Pharmacy, or Formulary. They can add specific flavors to your medicine so that your son might be more likely to take it. They can also make either chewable or liquid, depending on your son's preference.
I have had strep a thousand times, and it always goes away without antibiotics after three days. Don't worry about your son getting his medicine. Besides antibiotics are dangerous.
regardless of what anyone else says strep doesnt go away by itself. he needs the antibiotics. have you tired freezing them in ice cubr trys and tehn cutting them into small pieces and tell him its popsicle? talk to you pharmacist befre you freeze it though because the freezing process sometimes changes the composition of the medicine. mix it with ice cream and freeze it or freeze it with juice or yogurt. or try rice crispy treats make the rice crispies the sme way but cut them nito small bite size peices and put the antibiotic dose into the middle by poking a small dent into a thin treat and covering it up with another thin treat and make sure he eats the whole thing. another trick is to get a syringe and inject the antibiotic into small bite size peices of chicken or soft hot dogs like vienna sausage. it may take more than one piece for you to get the whole dose into them, or mix with baby food like applesauce or bannanas.good luck