He is way, way too young to cry it out. I'm against this method, but if you want to try it, please wait until he is AT LEAST 6 months old. If you let him cry it out now he will feel abandoned & I truly believe it will affect the type of personality he has when he's older. Do not let him cry it out!! He is also too young to expect him to sleep through the night, sleep in his crib alone, etc. He is only 5 weeks old. Rock him or nurse him to sleep. Do whatever you have to so he is comfortable, relaxed, and loved. Start a bedtime routine. Allowing him to cry will worsen the situation, that should not even be considered an option. Frankly, if anyone else says to let him cry, do not listen to them! Be patient...I know your hands are full w/ 3 other kids, but he shouldn't suffer because of it. Use the tv to occupy your kids if necessary so you can give him the necessary time & attention to put him to sleep. Get a baby carrier so he can sleep on you, while you are playing with you kids. That may be a good option too.