Your son is 3 and gets written up? What kind of training have these teachers had? Structure is a great thing, but rigidity is not. Especially for an active three year old little boy. He is in an environment with more structure than he is used to (and maybe more than he needs at this age) and so his focus will not be so hot anyway. Do they have free time, centers, do they have hands on activities and ways of learning? Do they (oh the horror) do flashcards? Because the devil made flashcards and if you ask any three year old he will agree. Or is he, in a sense but not literally, told to shut up and color? How long is circle time? Do they have music and movement? Do they make an effort to teach him with the things that he automatically excells at or is interested in or is a three year old little boy made to conform to structure that is too rigid for a child his age? Time out for a child is a minute per year of age for a reason. Because it is all that is reasonable to expect for a child of that age. The same goes with lots of sitting and listening activities. While he may be advanced and bored with what they are doing, the flip side of that is that he is angry and frustrated at school because they are asking things of him that he knows inately that he cannot do and he is acting out. If this school is miserable and he is feeling like a "bad boy" - and they better not be calling him that - because he cannot conform then I would either move him back to where he was or find a preschool that allows for more freedom of choice and less structure. He should be in an environment that introduces new ideas but allows him to explore them at his pace as well as exploring the other things that interest him. He should be given every opportunity to feel successful and if they are not doing it, snatch him outta there.