They are ready to potty train. I found that this is the time to put both of them in the tub and give them wipes and make them clean themselves up. Then make them sit on the potty every so often.
Do they go about the same time every day? Make them sit on the potty during this time.
Put them in training teri cloth pants...not pull-ups (those are just glorified diapers) and have them sit on a potty chair. Put the chair in whatever room they are in. If they look like they are straining make them sit. If they make a mess, put them in the tub and make them clean themselves before she baths them. I give mine a grocery bag and some wipes and help them clean up. I explain it is disgusting and babies poop on themselves. WE make a big deal about being a big.
If they manage to poop in the potty, give them a chocolate chip.
I would even suggest that she start out the first day or two letting them run around naked. Does she have a big bath or kitchen with linoleum floors? Get some coloring books, games and such, lots of juice in cups, a potty chair, a plenty of paper towels.
Every time they start to go, sit them on the potty real fast. If they manage to get some in the potty, make a huge deal out of it and then give them a chocolate chip. This usually takes one day. One or two accidents down the leg and they figure it out. That's when you move on to teri cloth pants or big boy underwear.
Talk it over with your sitter and see what she says. If she agrees...then go out and buy all the supplies she will need.
potty chair
chocolate chips
training pants like the teri cloth kind
carpet cleaner for the carpet
paper towels for the linoleum
coloring books/crayons
books to read
games of some kind
And some extra money in her check :)
Bring it all over like a big present and have the children open it and make a huge deal out of it. It may take a day or two being naked to figure out what pee pee and poo means and when it happens, but then the traning pants for a week and they should get it.
She will have to maybe set a timer and remind them every half hour or less (depending on them) to not go in their pants.
It is time consuming, but it works every time. I've trained four thus far and had no problems.