Help Needed for Pregnant Mom Who Is Moving!

Updated on March 23, 2008
A.D. asks from Abington, PA
10 answers

Hi everyone - my best friend from highschool lives in your area (I am in Philly and locally in mamasource). She is 33 weeks pregnant, has a two year old and is moving next week! She is still working and they have ZERO family in the area. To make matters worse a child in her son's class has Fifth's disease so he can't go to school as it is dangerous to her unborn child. So this is a SOS from a different state.

Does anyone know anyone that has a handman or a cheap housekeeper that can help them. I can arrange payment somehow (Paypal, check). Any other thoughts are welcome. Thanks everyone for any advice!!!

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So What Happened?

My friend is going to review all of these wonderful and suggestions and offers! I really think it is great that everyone was so generous.

Many people are asking where she lives, currently she is in Tremont, but I know she is moving to the "suburbs" but I will need to find out where. Thank you all!

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answers from Dallas on

When I was about 38 weeks I used this company and they are really good. They will provide every service you need at a reasonable price. I hope it helps. Let them know Y. sent you! Let's hope she remembers the pregnant woman that loved Norma!

More Answers



answers from Dallas on

Eric Kerpens does home improvements, repairs and maintenance. He recently took early retirement from TI. He is excellent. ###-###-####, ###-###-####,

Here is a number of a handyman that comes recommended in my office (its a real estate office). Unfortunately I don't know any housekeepers. I'm not sure what his rates are, but that may help. Good luck.



answers from Dallas on

Is she a member of a Church? It seems like that would be a good place to seek some help.



answers from Dallas on

Where does she live? This is a big area.



answers from Dallas on

I've used this woman in emergency situations and have always been satisfied. She has a caregiving business and has several people working for her. She has offered housekeeping services as well and is much cheaper than anyone else I've found in this area. She herself has a new baby so I know she'll be sensitive to your friend's needs. Her name is Suzanne Moore. She is from Jamaica and speaks with an slight accent. Her phone numbers: ###-###-#### cell and work: ###-###-####.
Hope this helps. That's nice of you to reach out to help a friend like that.



answers from Dallas on

I am the friend A. wrote about (and yes, she is a great friend to me and has been for 28 years). We are moving to Grapevine (76051) and could use help during the month of April. Thanks for all of your help!



answers from Dallas on

im a single mom, lookin for any partime job.... that would help her and help me if she lives in dfw area..... hopefully we can help eachother... thanks.



answers from Dallas on

I have a lady that does my make ready. Call me for her number. J. ###-###-#### or
What area does she live in?



answers from Dallas on

Hey A., What price range are you looking for? What does your friend need done and where does she reside? I am willing to work with you regarding the aforementioned problem. I clean houses for a living and am reasonable.


L. Jacobs
Dog Tired?Home Services



answers from Dallas on

Luis does maintenance and housekeeping for all my properties. His number is ###-###-####. Just tell A. refer you. He does good job and price is very reasonable. Good luck!

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