I also have an 8-week-old who isn't very fond of her crib. She usually naps in her car seat and I've started putting the car seat in the crib, just to get her used to the surroundings. At night she sleeps in our bedroom in a bassinette. It's actually a pack-n-play that has a bassinette feature. The only way she will go to sleep in it is if she's already asleep and swaddled when I put her down. What I do is nurse her on one side for about 10 minutes and then I swaddle her and start to nurse her on the other side. Usually she dozes off within a couple minutes. Once she's asleep, I can usually put her down without a problem. Sometimes she grunts for a little while, trying to move her arms, but eventually she falls off to sleep again. If she starts crying, I pick her up and nurse for a couple more minutes, and she's asleep again.
Oh, a very important part of this is the way she's swaddled. I used techniques from a video called "The Happiest Baby on the Block" and it keeps her from being able to break out of her swaddle.
Good luck!