I can recommend Clickin Moms it is great...but Most Moms are using a DSLR camera. I am positive that you would gain a lot if information from it for a point and shoot camera, but just a warning it can lead to camera lust. :)
So all in all.. I wrote that subject to get some of you moms to actually read this post! Sorry, but hey it worked! I have been trying so hard to look for a website I once found on here but am not succeeding. The website was some kind of site for photography and moms..like you even had to pay monthly to be a member on the site.. It taught moms how to take great pictures from home..and with any kind of camera they had. I have searched the web and found nothing..and then remembered reading on the site the reason you had to pay for it was because it wasn't advertised and didn't have advertisements on it. Did anyone ever go to that website and remember what it is called? THANK YOU !!
I can recommend Clickin Moms it is great...but Most Moms are using a DSLR camera. I am positive that you would gain a lot if information from it for a point and shoot camera, but just a warning it can lead to camera lust. :)
Sorry I don't recall seeing it. I would send another post out and title it "Help Moms, photography question". Maybe you'll get someone to answer who has seen it. Good luck!
Here is what I found hope this is it
If it's the web site I think you are talking about it was shut down for illegal operation....but there are legal sites out there if you search for them. Kodak did have lessons that they offered. Also Olympic did at one time. If you research I am sure you will find something suitable.. Always remember the best photo's are the ones when the children don't know you are taking them. The girls and I love going through the old photo's when they were little. I have captured some great moments. Lay on the floor to take some. Get on your knees. That is one piece of advice a photographer gave me. He said pictures at their level are better than if you are standing taking them. Have fun. If you are having fun taking the pictures then they will turn out great.