I have a honda, and have had it for 4 years. I still have no clue. I can't for the life of me find any anchors.
I have a dilemma. Has anyone installed a rear facing convertible car seat in the second row of a 2013 Toyota Sienna? I am trying to figure out how to install a Britax Boulevard, behind passenger, second row. I know that there are anchors in the seat for the left/right sides but then there's the LONG tether that goes behind the seat. I know how to install if its forward facing b/c the anchor for that is on bottom of the back of the seatback... but forward facing?? HELP.
I have a honda, and have had it for 4 years. I still have no clue. I can't for the life of me find any anchors.
The anchor that is at the top of the seat is to be used only when forward facing, if there is an anchor for it. When rear facing, that top teather can just be rolled up and stored in the pocket most Britax seats have back there or just secured with a rubber band to keep it out of the way.
We just use the seat belt. We have Diono/Sunshine Kids but still. No matter how correctly we installed it with the LATCH it never felt secure and rocked too much.
Go to state police or fire dept for correct installation. Britax is the only company that requires long tether to be used as per state police.
When we had rear-facing seats (also Britax), we did not use the long tether. I just found this, though, so maybe things have changed.
Don't guess on this. It's too important.
Call your local PD or FD and get a certified car seat tech to show you how to install properly.
Something like 75% of all car seats are installed incorrectly by well-meaning parents.
Could be a life or death decision.
Good luck.
I think I would call Britax. When we bought our Diono/Sunshine kids, it told us to use a special breakaway piece in the long tether and I think my husband hooked it to the floor or something. I am not sure. I agree that with the latch they just don't feel as secure as with the seatbelt. You can also call your local fire/police, etc and ask them. We have an office at the local children's hospital that checked mine for me. They were fine. I also go pulled over for an out brake light and got kudos from the state trooper for my carseats and how they were installed, so I would double check with an authority. Good luck!
The fire department can help you with this. Call the local station and ask when you can go in for help.