Makes perfect sense to me. I had two boys the same age as yours and then the third came along quite unexpectadly. As I look back with the age difference I would have had another. We always had two families and the middle child sydrom is very true. He was either too little to go with his big brother or too big to do what the younger was doing. As they were growing the older two were closer but now as they are all married the younger and older get along better. AS far as the holidays go just bringing three more personalities into a family is a challenge but we love ourt "girls" even though we waited 25 years to get the first one. I dediced early on that I would not be the mother-in-law who had to have every holiday. I did not want to put that pressure on my boys so they know that I am satisfied if we can all be together at some point for holidays. To me the togetherness of family is much more important than the day on which it happens. However I will say as time has gone on we are getting our fair share of holiday time and there is no pressure on the kids. I don't think that age is as big a factor at school today as in the past but I do believe that another baby has to be a joint decision. Good luick and keep lovin' those boys because someday there will be grandchildren and I love being a Granny as much if not more than I do a mom.