Remember that a doctor can't "make" you do anything. They are "practicing" medicine and are human. Not to say that you should ignore your doctor, but unless there's a medical reason why it's NECESSARY to induce, all you have to do is say "No" - although I know that's easier said than done.
Anyway - good for you for not wanting to be induced again. The statistics show that induction increases the possibility of other interventions including caesarean.
Also remember that your baby knows when it's time to come. 40 weeks is not a magical number - the baby certainly doesn't have a calendar in there! Also remember it's only an estimate of when you conceived. 40 weeks and 1 day and no baby doesn't mean you're "late" - it means your baby isn't ready yet and perhaps the estimate was wrong. The average first time baby arrives 8 days "late" (41 weeks and 1 day). I know this isn't your first but am pointing this out because many doctors start talking induction at 40 weeks with the first even though most babies don't come naturally until the 41st week.
All that said, I don't know your medical history so maybe there IS a medical reason for induction in your case, if it comes to that. I just wanted to try to give you some supportive words for not handing all your strength and power over to your doctor. You know your body better than anyone else so trust your instincts. And, of course, follow all the other moms' suggestions of how to get things going!
Best of luck!